MM Dev Generic
Location: Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Pune
Experience (years) : 2 to 4 years
Education Qualification:
Core skills: Strong C/C++, DS, LSP, LDD, Kernel Development, ARM Arch, Debugging with JTAG, T32, (GDB, KGDB optional), Relevant project level experience. Tools like GIT and understanding of Jenkis and the following specific skills:
Camera: Camera pipeline, middleware development, Camera HAL and Camera Driver
Audio: ALSA, PCM (Pulse code modulation Framework), Stage frieght, Audion Manager, Flinger, Audio Services, Audio HAL, Codecs
Display: Surface flinger, Display driver
Video: V4L2, H.265/264, Media HAL
Graphics: Graphics Framework, Driver, surface flinger, openCL, openGLES
Domain: MM Dev