Application technology trends

Apr 1, 2024
Application technology trends

Application technology trends

April 1, 2024
Application technology trends

API Productization

API productization involves transforming APIs into full-fledged products with life cycles, pricing and strategic planning.

API productization is a way to use APIs to expand business & build revenue. API products allow developers and non-technical users to integrate APIs into their workflows.

API Gateway

API gateway is a software layer that acts as a single point of entry for API calls. It acts as a mediator between client applications and backend services in microservices architecture.

Makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor and secure APIs at any scale. APIs act as the “front door” for applications to access data, business logic or functionality from your backend services.

Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture, also known as microservices, is an architectural approach that breaks large applications into smaller, independent units that can function and communicate on their own.

It helps businesses to deliver value to their customers quickly and adapt to changing in market conditions.

Low Code/No Code Platform

Low-code and No-code are software development approaches that use visual tools to create apps without writing code or with minimal code. They are designed to speed up the software development process by reducing the complexity of traditional development.

It is used to develop apps aimed at operational efficiencies, such as computerizing manual and paper-based processes or contributing to business process management efforts.

Application Security

Application Security in software development involves developing, adding and testing security features in applications. This prevents security vulnerabilities from threats like unauthorized access and modification.

Application security in software development involves incorporating security measures into the software development process

This helps and ensure that the code written is secure and compliant with security requirements.

Shift Left Strategy

A shift-left strategy in automation testing is a software development approach that involves testing earlier in the development process. The goal is to test early and often to improve quality, test coverage and time to market.
This improves software quality and reduces time spent in resolving issues


Testing as a service (TaaS) is an outsourcing model in which testing activities associated with some of an organization’s business activities are performed by a service provider rather than in-house employees.

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